About us

About Us

Welcome to Fabrago, a pioneering startup based in Thessaloniki, where innovation meets B2B e-commerce across the realms of home, beauty, and fashion. Our journey began with a shared vision to revolutionize trade dynamics. Recognizing the challenges faced by businesses and entrepreneurs globally, we, the founders of Fabrago, set out to create immediate and effective solutions that minimize inefficiencies and establish a global network of suppliers and distribution channels, driving growth, productivity, and profitability.

Our Purpose

Our purpose at Fabrago is simple yet profound: to empower businesses in the realms of home, beauty, and fashion to connect, trade, and succeed through a single, user-friendly platform.

Why Fabrago?

Fabrago represents a revolutionary approach in the B2B e-commerce space, specialized to serve the home, beauty, and fashion industries. We bring together businesses, offering them unlimited access to buyers and facilitating trade with just a few clicks. Our platform breaks geographical barriers and connects businesses from all corners of the world into a seamless collaboration.

Our Mission

Our mission is to harness the power of connectivity in an increasingly interdependent world, fostering a dynamic network of businesses that thrive through collaboration.

Our Business Model

Fabrago operates on a commission-based model, bridging the gap between businesses and potential clients. We are committed to creating a trusted, transparent, and user-friendly marketplace where both buyers and sellers can flourish. Innovation is ingrained in our business ethos as we continually enhance the platform to deliver an unparalleled user experience.

Innovating for Success

We understand the challenges businesses face in finding the right partners. Fabrago's platform addresses this by relying on real-time consumer feedback and market signals from our vibrant community of buyers. Traditional gatekeepers are supplanted by data-driven insights, enabling us to scale efficiently and effectively.

Our Strategic Journey

Our strategy unfolds in three key stages:

  1. Initiation and Enrichment: Fabrago's initial focus is on the home, beauty, and fashion industries, offering a low-cost commission-based model to attract businesses. We prioritize specific markets, building trust within our community. Our goal is to become a cost-effective social platform connecting businesses.
  1. Technical Advancement: We continuously enhance our platform, enabling online orders and diversifying into other sectors. Our objective is to meet the diverse B2B collaboration needs of our users. As our database expands, we introduce memberships, attracting more brands and suppliers.
  1. Scaling and Expansion: With a growing database, we seek investments to accelerate our technical advancements. Our vision is to create a thriving ecosystem where multiple buyers and suppliers interact, collaborate, and transact on a single platform. We aim to provide industry-specific solutions that reduce costs and elevate the quality of services for all users.

Our Products and Services

Fabrago serves businesses across the domains of home, beauty, and fashion seeking a hassle-free way to discover potential partners. We empower businesses to reach a broader audience, manage their operations efficiently, receive orders seamlessly, and access valuable analytics. For buyers, we offer a diverse range of products, industry insights, and direct communication with brands.

Fabrago is more than a platform; it's a commitment to revolutionize B2B e-commerce in the realms of home, beauty, and fashion, making it accessible, efficient, and collaborative for businesses worldwide. Join us on this transformative journey, and let's shape the future of commerce together.