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How to increase your followers on Instagram

12 March 2019


Anyone who uses a business account on Instagram is trying to increase follower numbers and, of course engagement. It's not easy and the traps you may fall into are aplenty. However, are consistency and creativity enough for you to become InstaFamous?

1. Pay Full Attention to your Audience

You don't reply to their comments and forget that this is a means of social networking. Don't just spend time creating great posts, spend time interacting with your followers. When you reply, you're sending a message to them and to the Instagram algorithm that your account is active.

2. Consistency is Key

Your business account may have reached the desired number of followers but you need to work hard and smart to maintain this. Don't rest on your laurels. It is a good idea to post frequently and at specific times following a plan. Your posts should be coherent and specific.

3. Interaction with other accounts

Don't miss out on the opportunity to work with other content related accounts. For example, as a fashion brand you will want to get in touch with influencers and brands of a similar ilk.  Try to network so as to promote your content to an audience that is not aware of you as yet.

4. Create Stories

Photographs are great but if you ignore the other features on Instagram, you're missing out on loads of opportunities! You can frequently upload stories and live videos with hashtags, GIFs, polls, boomerangs so as to attract the attention of your audience. Remember to change it about and don't forget your location notifications!

5. Be Exciting!

Don't follow the well-trodden track. Dare to be different and reveal your philosophy and the uniqueness of your brand. Ask yourself what makes you distinct from the rest and base your campaigns on this. Don't forget to add value to your post by including a short narrative.

6. Be Yourself!

On Instagram you must be authentic and true. Forget the filters and the flawless photos. Take care with your post copy so that it doesn't sound like a commercial presentation. We all want to follow real people and to see realistic photos hence why some influencers have become so famous.

7. Don't overdo brand promotion.

Users sometimes wish ad blocker was available on Instagram too so as to limit the overt promotion of brands. If your posts are just about promoting your brand, stop at once! Inevitably, your goals are advertising and sales but your followers wish to see other interesting things from you too.

8. Never forget the significance of the first impression

Seeing as you've just set up your account, the first step is to concentrate on posts. Wrong! Whoever visits your profile, will firstly take a cursory look at your photo profile and mini bio. If you don't win them over straight away, you've lost them! Your photo must show your face or brand logo and your bio must be brief and attract the attention of the users.

Remember it's a combination of creative content, targeting the right audiences, and promoting your business in the right way. Try out these tips and see your account grow!

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